About Me

Hello! My name is Aidan Broder, and I am 17 years old, and a senior at Brentwood School in Los Angeles. I took my first coding class in 8th grade, and instantly fell in love with it. Rather than being super challenging and intense, the purpose of the class was for the students to have fun and enjoy making games. Since taking that course, I have taken every coding course offered at my school such as, AP Computer Science A, Honors Programming and Software Design. Honors Advanced Topics in Computer Science, and AP Computer Science Principles. I enjoy creating games, apps, websites, and other types of programs. In fact, I programmed this entire website by myself with HTML and CSS.

Recently, I taught my own programmming course for 6th graders at the Summer at Brentwood program, being the first student to ever do so. All of my students enjoyed it, so I decided to teach the course again, but as an independent program. My favorite thing about programming is seeing the results. Whether it's playing the game you worked so hard on, seeing the app you made on your own phone, or browsing through your website on the internet, it is so satisfying to see the finished product! While either teaching my course or tutoring, my primary goal is for the students to have fun, and feel this same sense of satisfaction and accomplishment as much as possible.